Helping busy women in healthcare create a shape they love - without giving up their favorite foods!


Hey hey! I’m Toni Leach :)


It’s been such an interesting journey getting to this point! Looking back on my path now, I can appreciate how each leg of the journey has enhanced what I can offer now! I’ve always been interested in health/fitness & physiology and while I wasn’t sure what to do career-wise, I knew that I wanted to help people. I majored in dietetics, planning to go to medical school from there. After graduating with a bachelor’s in dietetics, the thought of 4 more years of school/residency/crushing debt was sounding less and less appealing, so I decided to go the nursing route instead so I could join the workforce sooner.

Efficient results in a sustainable way

An end to the dieting cycle

I’ll teach you the flexible dieting lifestyle - and together we’ll create your custom nutrition strategy; a science-based one that allows you to achieve your health and fitness goals without giving up your favorite foods - or your life! Read more about flexible dieting. You’ll also receive a custom progressive weight training program so you can see results even faster - with as little as 3 workouts per week.

Dont take it from me; hear what others have to say

How we can work together!


12 Weeks-to-Fitness group coaching program

Join a group of ambitious, like-minded women and experience what it takes to lose fat & take control of your health in a healthy & sustainable way. In 12 weeks, you could lose 10-20 lbs of fat and learn how to keep it off for good.
