
β€œWhen I lost all of my excuses, I found all my results”




12 Weeks-to-Fitness group coaching program

Join a group of ambitious, like-minded women and experience what it takes to lose fat & take control of your health in a healthy & sustainable way. In 12 weeks, you could lose 10-20 lbs of fat and learn how to keep it off for good.


The 3 main pillars we’ll be focusing on include:


Nutrition Strategy: You’ll learn the flexible dieting lifestyle and together, we’ll create your own custom nutrition plan containing all the foods you already eat!

Fitness Strategy: Speed up your results and create sexy curves by following your skill-appropriate 12-week progressive weight training program in the Trainerize app (it’s like having a personal trainer in your pocket)!

Mindset Strategy: Anyone can follow a program for a few months and lose weight, but if you’re going to KEEP your results, you need to get your mental game right. Throughout your program, you’ll receive lessons, activities, and exercises meant to challenge your old mindset around health & fitness, as well as help you discover the joy in the process.

Each week, we’ll get together on zoom to discuss the science behind your nutrition plan, strategies to put those lessons into practice & support to troubleshoot any barriers that come up. Follow along in your workbook and be prepared to discuss your triumphs, struggles & overall insights!

You’ll also have access to a private group chat right in the Trainerize app, where you can ask questions, share recipes & cheer each other on between zoom calls.

If you’re a woman looking to lose 10-20 lbs of fat over 3 months in a healthy & sustainable way, then this program could be a great fit for you. Those looking for a quick fix or fad diet need not apply!

Here’s how it works:

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    Fill out the application for coaching & I’ll reach out to schedule your no-risk, no-pressure call to see if we’re the right fit to work together.

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    If you’re IN, we’ll get started in your cohort group as scheduled. We’ll work together to create your custom nutrition plan (with your lifestyle & preferences in mind) - and you can get started on your new weight training program right away!

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    Follow the program & keep taking action! 12 weeks from now, you’ll have developed the knowledge, skills & confidence to take control of your health and create the fit, toned body you deserve!


Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you have made. If you want a different result, make a different choice.