Learn How To Make a Fitness Plan

“I just don't know where to start" is what I hear at least once a day from busy women like you who want to get into a regular fitness routine but get so caught up in analysis paralysis that they don't take any action.

And I get it, you're busy AF and you don't want to waste your time doing something that's not ultimately going to bring you results. But here's the thing, you can't build on a habit that hasn't yet been established. So really, all you need to focus on at this point is just getting started.

I'll tell you exactly how to make a fitness plan - it's a very simple formula:

1. Identify what kind of movement you ENJOY.

2. Do that movement.

3. Repeat.

For me, this includes weight training, walking my dogs, and hiking if at all possible! Remember, if you're going to keep something up for the long haul, you should probably enjoy it. Otherwise, what's the point?!

3 Fitness Mistakes To Avoid When Starting a Fitness Routine

There's nothing I hate more than wasting my time doing sh*t that doesn't matter (and maybe slow drivers too) so let me cut straight to the point here so you can get the results you deserve!

Here are 3 fitness mistakes to avoid:

1. Stop doing the wrong kinds of exercises for your goal

If your goal is to build cardiovascular strength, then a cardio-based training plan is a smart move. If your goal is to lose fat and look "toned," then you'll want to follow a progressive weight training plan. So many people are exercising in ways they're familiar with, but not necessarily in ways that will get them the results they're after.

​​​​2. Not recording or tracking your workouts

Do you know what exercises you did during your last workout? What weights you used? How many sets? How many reps? Your body needs to be progressively challenged in order to build muscle and lose fat, and what gets measured gets DONE.


3. Doing random workouts you saw on Instagram or YouTube

​​​​​​You actually don't want to "keep your body guessing" if your goal is to lose fat and change your shape. That would be like taking 50 steps in 50 different directions and ultimately going nowhere. A structured plan tailored to your goals is going to be the best and fastest way to create the shape you want.

If your goal is to get leaner and build sexy curves, I can help with that structured plan. Oh, and you won't have to give up cake either or carbs or any food you don't want to give up. Learn more about my 12 Weeks to Fitness group coaching program here.


Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals While On Vacation


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